With Bannon Out, White House Down To Just One White Supremacist Named Steve

White House Advisor and Fleshlight Lip Model, Stephen Miller is now the only Nazi named Steve at the White House.

White House Advisor and Fleshlight Lip Model, Stephen Miller is now the only Nazi named Steve at the White House.

(Washington, D.C.)  With the departure of Presidential Adviser and old sack of potatoes, Steve Bannon Friday, the White House finds itself critically low on Nazis named Steve. Currently, angry penis Stephen Miller is the only Nazi advising the President.

"We're confident that the President can still be the White-Pride loving, anti-immigrant leader he's been for the first eight months of his Presidency," White House Spokesperson Sarah Huckabee-Sanders said in a statement today. "It doesn't matter how many Nazi Steve's we have, the president is always going to believe that Mexican's are rapists, Muslims are terrorists, and blacks are lazy and violent. That's not going to change just because there's only one Steve telling him that."

Bannon left the President's side one year after joining the President on the campaign trail and helping him earn the support of previously unrepresented Nazis and White Nationalists in his run against murderer Hillary Clinton. With Bannon at his side, Trump was able to win a landslide election by less than 3 million votes. American Nazis exited their garage apartments and voted for Mr. Trump en masse.

The White House will now rely on jabbering Q-tip, Stephen Miller to supply the President with the keys to spreading fear and holding on to his base of tiny-dicked white men who make up nearly the entirety of Trump's remaining support.


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